title = "Investment and export opportunities in a sustainable pig supply chain in China",
abstract = "Given the increasing average income of the Chinese consumer, increasing awareness of food safety and giant performance arrears there is a large need for investments in the entire pig supply chain. The Netherlands can contribute to a more sustainable Chinese pig production system, both by exporting products and investments. See Chapter 10. The Chinese government stimulates the development of large production and processing facilities, resulting in a great demand for machinery in the entire supply chain and the required knowledge for its optimal use, such as for housing techniques, animal identification systems, feed composition, meat processing techniques, logistics chain management, traceability and benchmark systems and efficiency-oriented training for managers. See Chapter 10.",
keywords = "varkenshouderij, ketenmanagement, kennisoverdracht, sectorale ontwikkeling, agrarische economie, internationale betrekkingen, duurzaamheid (sustainability), nederland, china, pig farming, supply chain management, knowledge transfer, sectoral development, agricultural economics, international relations, sustainability, netherlands, china",
author = "R. Hoste and D. Hu and J. Tolkamp",
year = "2013",
language = "English",
isbn = "9789086156191",
series = "LEI-report : Markets & chains",
publisher = "LEI",
address = "Netherlands",