Investigating the effect of texture differences in 3 pairs of solid foods on satiation

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The texture of food plays an important role in food intake regulation. In previous studies we showed a clear effect of viscosity on satiation (Zijlstra et al. Int J Obes 2008;32:676–83). We do not know if texture differences in solid foods also affect satiation. Therefore, the objective of our study was to determine the effect of texture differences in 3 pairs of solid foods on satiation. Test foods were specially developed sausages, meat replacers and sweets. Each food consisted of a “hard” and “soft” version, expecting to require different oral processing times (OPT). Within a pair, products were equal in energy density and macronutrient composition. A total of 113 non-restrained subjects (24 ± 7 years, BMI 21.8 ± 1.7 kg/m2) participated in 7 test sessions. During the first 6 randomized sessions, subjects watched a movie in the cinema while consuming ad libitum from one of the test products. During the 7th session, oral processing times of fixed amounts of all products was measured. Mean intakes for the hard and soft sausages were 146 ± 120 and 155 ± 124 g (ns); hard and soft meat replacers 161 ± 108 and 170 ± 110 g (ns); hard and soft sweets 137 ± 82 and 141 ± 90 g (ns). OPT of the fixed amounts was 168 ± 103 and 157 ± 103 s for the hard and soft sausages; 200 ± 112 and 209 ± 119 s for the hard and soft meat replacers; 240 ± 109 and 255 ± 111 sec for the hard and soft sweets (ns). Interestingly, OPT of the fixed amounts and ad libitum intake of the first 6 sessions were significantly negatively correlated (r = −0.38; p < 0.05). In conclusion, texture differences within the pairs of products may have been too small to bring about differences in ad libitum intake. Further attention should be paid to the relationship between OPT and ad libitum intake of solid foods.
Original languageEnglish
Article number55
Pages (from-to)169-170
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2010


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