title = "Inventory of possible emerging hazards to food safety and an analysis of critical factors",
abstract = "Various recent incidents around food safety issues have led to the establishment of the European Food Safety Authority and its national counterparts in the member states of the European Union. Besides these measures, it is desirable to identify food risks while they are still emerging, i.e. when they still are hazards.",
keywords = "voedselveiligheid, gevaren, risicoschatting, antibiotica, antibioticumresiduen, garnalen, garnalenteelt, plantaardige pesticiden, food safety, hazards, risk assessment, antibiotics, antibiotic residues, shrimps, shrimp culture, botanical pesticides",
author = "G.A. Kleter and M. Poelman and M.J. Groot and H.J.P. Marvin",
year = "2006",
language = "English",
series = "Rapport / RIKILT",
publisher = "RIKILT",
number = "2006.010",
address = "Netherlands",