Intrahepatic CD8+ lymphocyte trapping during tolerance induction using mushroom derived formulations: A possible role for liver in tolerance induction

M. Shuvy, T. Hershcovici, C. Lull-Noguera, H.J. Wichers

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6 Citations (Scopus)


AIM: To determine the immunomodulatory effect of Shiitake (a mushroom extract), we tested its effect on liver-mediated immune regulation in a model of immune-mediated colitis. METHODS: Four groups of mice were studied. Colitis was induced by intracolonic instillation of TNBS in groups A and B. Groups A and C were treated daily with Shiitake extract, while groups B and D received bovine serum albumin. Mice were evaluated for development of macroscopic and microscopic. The immune effects of Shiitake were determined by FACS analysis of intra-hepatic and intrasplenic lymphocytes and IFN-¿ ELISPOT assay. RESULTS: Administration of Shiitake resulted in by an increased intrasplenic/intrahepatic CD4/CD8 lymphocyte ratio. These effects were accompanied by a 17% increase in the number of intrahepatic natural killer T (NKT) cells. A similar effect was observed when Shiitake was administered to animals without disease induction. CONCLUSION: Shiitake extract affected livermediated immune regulation by altering the NKT lymphocyte distribution and increasing intrahepatic CD8+ T lymphocyte trapping, thereby leading to alleviation of immune-mediated colitis marked alleviation of colitis, manifested by significant improvement in the macroscopic and microscopic scores, and by reduction in IFN-¿-producing colonies in group A, compared to group B mice (1.5 pfu/mL vs 3.7 pfu/mL, respectively). This beneficial effect was associated with a significant increase in the intrahepatic CD8+ lymphocyte trapping, demonstrated
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3872-3878
JournalWorld Journal of Gastroenterology
Issue number24
Publication statusPublished - 2008


  • inflammatory-bowel-disease
  • lentinus-edodes mycelia
  • t-cells
  • nkt cells
  • experimental colitis
  • medicinal mushrooms
  • immune-reactions
  • polysaccharides
  • antitumor
  • immunomodulation


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