Integrated visions (part II): Envisioning Sustainable Energy Landscapes

S. Stremke, J. Koh, C.T. Neven, A. Boekel

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

10 Citations (Scopus)


ABSTRACT Climate change and resource depletion are driving the transition to renewable energy sources. Both the supply of renewables and the demand for energy are influenced by the physical environment and therefore concern spatial planning and landscape design. Envisioning the longterm development of alternative energy landscapes – that is sustainable energy landscapes – present spatial planners and landscape architects with new challenges. The first paper of this twopart series discussed several existing approaches to long-term regional planning and landscape design, and presented an alternative, five-step approach for the composition of integrated visions [Stremke, S., Kann, F. Van & Koh, J. (2012) Integrated Visions (part I): Methodological Framework, European Planning Studies, [20(2), pp. 305–320]. This paper illustrates how the fivestep approach was employed to compose a set of integrated visions for the development of sustainable energy landscapes in south of the Netherlands. The proposed five-step approach is then examined with respect to a set of criteria stressed in the planning and design literature.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)609-626
JournalEuropean Planning Studies
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2012


  • landscape architecture
  • regional planning
  • sustainable energy
  • renewable energy
  • climatic change
  • south netherlands
  • design


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