In vivo imaging of nickel-rich laticifers: A breakthrough in metal hyperaccumulation

Antony van der Ent*, Kathryn M. Spiers, Tanguy Jaffré, Dennis Brueckner, Sarah C. Irvine, Garrevoet Jan, Peter D. Erskine, Vidiro Gei, Emmanuelle Montargès-Pelletier, Bruno Fogliani, Guillaume Echevarria, Sandrine Isnard

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The discovery of the nickel-rich latex of the New Caledonian endemic tree Pycnandra acuminata introduced the term ‘hyperaccumulator’ and gave rise to a new field of research. This then instigated a global quest for these unusual hyperaccumulator plants, even while the underlying mechanisms of nickel acquisition, transport, and internal elemental distribution remained unknown for this original laticifer-bearing hyperaccumulator plant. Here we reveal for the first time the distribution of nickel-filled laticifers in the different plant organs of P. acuminata. The pressurised nickel laticifers were imaged multimodally with a combination of synchrotron X-ray fluorescence (XRF) microscopy, microtomography (XRF-μCT) and synchrotron X-ray phase contrast imaging microtomography (PCI-μCT). These advanced synchrotron methodologies allowed for complimentary non-invasive reconstructions of an in-situ model of the laticiferous system in this species. The data shows the distribution of the nickel-rich laticifers within whole plant tissues from roots to apical tip, thus suggesting nickel trafficking in the laticifer network. The extraordinary concentration of nickel within P. acuminata laticifers functions as an effective natural tracer for XRF-μCT and PCI-μCT to probe the structure and organization of these cells, thereby permitting insights into the development and physiological functioning of this unique duct system.

Original languageEnglish
Article number105877
JournalEnvironmental and Experimental Botany
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2024


  • Fluorescence tomography
  • Hyperaccumulation
  • Laticifers transport
  • Nickel trafficking
  • PCI-μCT
  • Pycnandra acuminata
  • X-ray fluorescence (XRF)
  • XRF-μCT


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