Improving scientific advice for the conservation and management of oceanic sharks and rays: Final report - Study

R. Coelho, P. Apostolaki, P. Bach, T.P.A. Brunel, T. Davies, G. Diez, J. Ellis, L. Escalle, J. Lopez, Gorka Merino, R. Mitchell, D. Macias, H. Murua, H.M.J. van Overzee, J.J. Poos, H. Richardson, D. Rosa, S. Sanchez, C. Santos, B. SeretJ.O. Urbina, N. Walker

Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional


The purpose of this specific study is to provide the Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG MARE) with: Updated information regarding the association or occurrence of pelagic sharks and rays in different fisheries; Updated information regarding data collection and methodological approaches for the assessment of conservation status of sharks; A critical review of existing Conservation and Management Measures (CMMs) for sharks and of the current conservation status of the species concerned; and Proposals to improve and/or provide alternative options for conservation and management of sharks taking into account any recent methodological advances and new data or information. The species of interest are the main pelagic sharks caught by pelagic fisheries, including under Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreements (longline and purse seine fisheries). The study also considers some pelagic elasmobranchs included in Article 13 (species prohibitions) of the Council Regulation 2016/72 fixing for 2016 the fishing opportunities for certain fish stocks. The main regions focused are the oceanic regions covered by tuna-RFMOs where those species of elasmobranch are represented in the catches, specifically the Atlantic (ICCAT region), the Indian Ocean (IOTC region) and the Pacific (WCPFC and IATTC regions)
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationBrussels
PublisherEuropean Commission
Number of pages658
ISBN (Print)9789292024550
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2019


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