Implementation of IPDM in Greenhouses: Customer Value as Guideline

J.S. Buurma, N.J.A. Van Der Velden*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterAcademicpeer-review


The objective of this chapter is to provide IPDM researchers and advisers with ideas on how to enhance the implementation of innovative IPDM knowledge and tools into practice. The chapter is based on research into innovation dynamics in food chains, willingness to pay of consumers, quality standards of high market segments, product prices in different market segments and motivations of greenhouse growers. The challenge of innovation in food chains rests in joint action between knowledge partners, primary producers and value chain partners. Experience has taught that reduction of pesticide use and substitution of chemical pesticides by biocontrol alone is not enough to make a distinction in the market. New product concepts have to be supplied to provoke a willingness to pay amongst consumers. The resulting higher consumer prices generate more money to be shared among the partners in the value chain. The main motivations of greenhouse growers are to produce a customer product (market-oriented subgroup), grow a healthy crop (crop-oriented subgroup) and achieve a lower cost price (cost-oriented subgroup). Implementation of IPDM technologies has best chances in the market-oriented and crop-oriented subgroups. They are more willing and able to integrate customer values in new product concepts and production systems than their cost-oriented colleagues.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationIntegrated Pest and Disease Management in Greenhouse Crops
EditorsMaria Lodovica Gullino, Ramon Albajes, Philippe C. Nicot
ISBN (Electronic)9783030223045
ISBN (Print)9783030223038
Publication statusPublished - 18 Mar 2020


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