Implementation and integration of EU environmental policies, cutting the gordian knot of EU environmental directives

W. van der Knaap, R. Beunen

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingAbstract


The EU is gaining importance in the field of sustainable development. More than 200 directives have been adopted by the European Union in the area of environmental policy as well as hundreds of other measures. Although these directives aim to strengthen each other, there are also practices in which they are conflicting.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationPlanning for the Risk Society. Dealing with Uncertainty, Challenging the Future. Abstracts, XXI AESOP Conference, Napoli, Italy, 11-14 July 2007
EditorsL. Lieto
Place of PublicationNapoli
PublisherGiannini Editore
ISBN (Print)9788874313693
Publication statusPublished - 2007
EventXXI AESOP Conference, Napoli, Italy -
Duration: 11 Jul 200714 Jul 2007


Conference/symposiumXXI AESOP Conference, Napoli, Italy


  • physical planning
  • environmental legislation
  • eu regulations
  • nature conservation law


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