Imagining a nature-based future for Europe in 2120 : nature-based solutions at the heart of a visionary approach for accelerating the transition to a climate resilient and nature-positive future

Tim van Hattum, Michaël van Buuren, Bertram Rooij, Jeanne Nel, Stijn Reinhard, Martin Baptist, Lawrence Jones-Walters, Gerjan Piet (Contributor), Arjan Budding (Contributor), Dirk van Apeldoorn (Contributor), Imke de Boer (Contributor), Gert-Jan Nabuurs (Contributor), Eric Arets (Contributor), Sven Stremke (Contributor), Jeroen Sluijsmans (Contributor), Rutger Dankers (Contributor), Arjen van Kampen (Contributor), Hessel Woolderink (Contributor), Joris Voeten (Contributor), Marian Stuiver (Contributor)Liesje Mommer (Contributor), Joop Spijker (Contributor), Onno Roosenschoon (Contributor), Sabine van Rooij (Contributor), Sverre van Klaveren (Contributor), Xiaolu Hu (Contributor), Jana Bruin (Contributor), Martine van Mourik (Contributor), Pasha Vredenbreg (Contributor), Paul van Dijk (Contributor), Thamar Zeinstra (Contributor), Nafsika Makri-Makridou (Contributor), Yawei Wang (Contributor), Darius Reznek (Contributor)

Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional


Wageningen University & Research (WUR) organises the Mansholt lectures to provide inspiration for European policy makers and other stakeholders. This year, we highlight the importance of the power of imagination and we present an initial hopeful perspective of a climate resilient and nature-based future for Europe in 2120. Continuing from the previous Mansholt lecture in 2022, which discussed the food system’s role as a catalyst for developing nature-positive futures, in this lecture we focuson the potential of nature-based solutions as an essentialpart of a cohesive, collaborative approach towards thedevelopment of a climate resilient and nature-based future for Europe. This approach places climate action and biodiversity at the forefront, interlinking these themes across society as a whole and shifting the paradigm from confronting challenges to accepting opportunities.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationWageningen
PublisherWageningen University & Research
Number of pages63
ISBN (Electronic)9789464478495
Publication statusPublished - 2023


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