Identifying and implementing circular applications of agri-residues : a circular evaluation framework for assessing impacts and circularity of different agri-residue applications

Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional


This report describes and explains a Circular Evaluation Framework that supports the decision making process in the implementation of processes for the valorisation of agri-residues or by-products. Implementation of this framework leads to a quantitative comparison of circularity, socio-economic impact, environmental impact and implementability for alternative processes. Based on such evaluation and case-specific prioritization, informed decisions can be made about process improvement or implementation support. New, is the quantification of circularity, which is laid out in this report. Based on the components of a by-products, process characteristics and application hierarchy, utilization paths are evaluated and scored, allowing for a quick comparison as well as an in-depth analysis.The application of this framework is demonstrated on four representative case studies, for which data was gathered either directly by specialists with local connections or interviews with people involved in the implementation of new processes (Transcripts of interviews are attached to the annex). Finally, a quick description of the process of using the framework is given in a decision tree, and a flyer, that summarizes the most important aspects of using this framework on one page.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationWageningen
PublisherWageningen Food & Biobased Research
Number of pages45
Publication statusPublished - 2022

Publication series

NameReport / Wageningen Food & Biobased Research


  • biobased economy
  • circular economy
  • crop residues
  • residual streams


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