Hydrological consequences of controlled drainage with subirrigation

Janine A. de Wit*, Marjolein H.J. van Huijgevoort, Jos C. van Dam, Gé A.P.H. van den Eertwegh, Dion van Deijl, Coen J. Ritsema, Ruud P. Bartholomeus

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6 Citations (Scopus)


Controlled drainage with subirrigation (CD-SI) could be a viable measure to cope with the imbalance in water demand and supply in groundwater dependent regions. CD-SI has the potential to i) retain, ii) recharge and iii) discharge groundwater, i.e. anticipate both dry and wet weather extremes. The aim of this paper is to specify the hydrological consequences of CD-SI at field scale. Four field CD-SI pilots with varying geohydrological conditions in Dutch sandy Pleistocene uplands were monitored (minimum 5 years) to study the effects on groundwater level, soil moisture content and soil water potential. Dynamic modelling using the SWAP-model, calibrated with PEST, was used to quantify all water balance components for the field pilots, needed for responsible implementation of CD-SI. Using SWAP-PEST, measured groundwater levels and soil moisture conditions were reproduced sufficiently accurate. Both the water supply rates and the water and crest levels in the control pit of CD-SI systems could be simulated dynamically, which is an important improvement to earlier modelling approaches. Model calculations were used to study the hydrological responses of CD-SI for meteorological dry to wet years and for each of the field sites. Simulations show that transpiration increases with 38 to 206 mm in dry years for sites with respectively low and higher hydraulic resistances in the subsoil. Simulations also show that the required water volume can be large (664 – 728 mm, respectively). CD-SI could thus improve hydrological conditions for crop growth, but the success depends on subtle differences in geohydrologic characteristics.

Original languageEnglish
Article number130432
JournalJournal of Hydrology
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2024


  • Controlled drainage
  • Field experiments
  • Modelling
  • Subirrigation
  • Subsurface drainage
  • SWAP


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