title = "Historic land use dynamics in and around Natura2000 sites as indicators for impact on biodiversity; Phase 1 of the BIOPRESS project for the Netherlands",
abstract = "BIOPRESS is a EC-FP5 research project to support GMES `Global Monitoring for Environment and Security¿. It aims to provide the EU-user community with quantitative information on how changes in land cover and land use have affected the environment and biodiversity in Europe. This report is dealing with the results of the first phase of the BIOPRESS project for the Netherlands. The report concentrates on the selection, acquisition, processing and interpretation of recent and historical aerial photographs, and the production of land use change statistics for the Netherlands. Land cover and land cover change statistics were derived for five windows (30km by 30km) for 1950 and 1990 (scale 1:100.000) and nine transects (2km by 15km) for 1950, 1990 and 2000 (scale 1:20.000). Subsequently, the historic land cover dynamics have been analysed within the Natura2000 sites as well as outside these areas, including descriptions of land cover changes and their related pressures (intensification, abandonment, afforestation and urbanisation) influencing biodiversity.",
keywords = "landgebruik, verandering, remote sensing, biodiversiteit, fotointerpretatie, grondbedekking, statistische gegevens, nederland, vegetatie, kaarten, land use, vegetation, maps, change, remote sensing, biodiversity, photointerpretation, ground cover, statistical data, netherlands",
author = "G.W. Hazeu and C.A. M{\"u}cher",
year = "2005",
language = "English",
series = "CGI-rapport",
publisher = "Alterra",
number = "05-001",
address = "Netherlands",