High Output LED in hybride belichting: monitoring praktijkproef bij Alstroemeria

Nieves García Victoria, Kees Weerheim, Frank Kempkes, Johan Steenhuizen, Arend Vreugdenhil, Marco de Groot

Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional


In order to increase the intensity of the artificial light with the least possible electricity costs, an Alstroemeria production company experiments with a Hybrid light installation. The Hybrid lighting was created by complementing the existing 61 μmol/m2 HPS lamps with 21 μmol/m2s Philips High Output (HO) LED lamps to a total intensity of 81 μmol/m2s. The performance of this hybrid lighting was investigated between January 2017 and May 2019 and compared with the existing HPS installation (62 μmol/m2s) and with Regular Output (RO) LED at an intensity of 79 μmol/m2s. The light sum in the Hybrid lighting was 288 Mol/m2 higher than in the HPS reference (4%) thanks to the 33% higher light level and the 442 more burning hours of the HO LED, and yielded 8% more production (longer, heavier stems). The light sum in the LED treatment was 215 Mol light (3%) higher than the reference, due to 33% higher intensity but was used as many hours as the HPS lamps, and increased production by 6% (more branches). Of the three systems, the Full LED option is the most energy-efficient and
the Hybrid lighting had the lowest EUE (electricity use efficiency). The research was funded by the program “ Greenhouse as Source of Energy” of the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture and LTO Glaskracht, the Knowledge Cooperative Alstroemeria, Philips Lighting and Fa. Vreugdenhil.
Original languageDutch
Place of PublicationBleiswijk
PublisherWageningen Plant Research
Number of pages50
Publication statusPublished - 2018

Publication series

NameRapport WPR

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