Het estuarium als ontvangend water van grote hoeveelheden afvalstoffen : afvoer van het veenkoloniale afvalwater naar de Eems

H.J. Eggink

    Research output: Thesisinternal PhD, WU


    In the Fen Settlements in the north of the Netherlands straw-board factories and potato-flour mills discharged large amounts of waste water (estimated at 420 tons of BOD 5 (biological oxygen deficiency) per 24 h during the autumn working season of the potato-flour mills) largely into canals, causing severe water pollution. A radical solution might be to pump the wastes through a pipeline to the Ems estuary about 30 km away. Some of the polluted canal water was already discharged into the estuary.
    A study was made of how discharge of all the waste would effect the oxygen status of the estuary. This was done by relating waste discharge, distribution of BOD, and distribution of O 2 content over several years, and by calculating the expected distribution of oxygen if the sewage was discharged by pipeline.

    Finally salt content, BOD 5 , oxygen content and other properties of the estuary water were measured on a boat over more than five years. Further factors included in this study were the rate of decay of the organic matter in the estuary water, the ratio between BOD C+N and BOD 5 and the coefficient of re-aeration.

    Measured and calculated data agreed well, showing that calculated values for oxygen condition were reliable. Since calculated values were satisfactory, discharge of all the sewage of the Fen Settlements into the Ems estuary could be advised.
    Original languageDutch
    QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
    Awarding Institution
    • Mulder, E.G., Promotor, External person
    Award date2 Jul 1965
    Place of Publication's-Gravenhage
    Publication statusPublished - 2 Jul 1965


    • surface water
    • water pollution
    • water quality
    • waste water
    • sewage
    • waste disposal
    • discharge
    • pipelines
    • starch industry
    • potato starch
    • netherlands
    • river ems
    • groningen
    • veenkolonien

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