title = "Hatchery manual for broodstock management and larval production of tubrot (Psetta maxima)",
abstract = "This hatchery manual is intended to provide detailed information from available published work and grey literature on turbot broodstock management and larval production. In reviewing larviculture techniques for turbot, it is notable that the major initial zoo technical advances were made in the 1980s. Subsequent refinements have been industry-led and are subject to commercial confidentiality. Some actors in the sector that have been approached either did not provide requested information or denied access to their sources of information. This manuscript therefore considers those aspects of commercial rearing techniques that are in the public domain, together with the applied scientific literature and information collected from different experts. With the aim to cover all aspects related to the production of turbot juveniles in Dutch farms from egg to fish of 10-15 g, the manual describes in details different steps. These have been grouped around the broodstock management, the hatchery/nursery period, the on growing and the grow out periods. A list of common diseases in turbot has been added at the end. The manual provides a link to the most update information available on live prey production and enrichment.",
keywords = "tarbot, larven, broeddieren, bedrijfsvoering, visproductie, dierhouderij, voortplanting, broedinstallaties, kuitschieten, visziekten, visteelt, aquacultuur, turbot, larvae, broodstock, management, fish production, animal husbandry, reproduction, hatcheries, spawning, fish diseases, fish culture, aquaculture",
author = "E. Rurangwa and M. Poelman",
year = "2011",
language = "English",
series = "Report / IMARES Wageningen UR",
publisher = "IMARES",
number = "C150/11",
address = "Netherlands",