Ha 1 35, a unique nonstructural protein of HearNPV, is not essential for viral propagation

X. Pan, G. Long, M. Westenberg, S. Hou, F. Deng, H. Wang, J.M. Vlak, Z. Hu

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingAbstract

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationBook of Abstracts of the 9th International Colloquium on Invertebrate Pathology and Microbial Control (ICIPMC), 39th Annual Meeting of the Society for Invertebrate Pathology (SIP) and the 8th International Conference on Bacillus thuringiensis (ICBt), Wuhan, China, 27 August-1 September 2006
Place of PublicationWuhan
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 2006
Event39th Annual Meeting of the Society of Invertebrate Patholopgy -
Duration: 27 Aug 20061 Sept 2006


Conference/symposium39th Annual Meeting of the Society of Invertebrate Patholopgy

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