Guidance on dossier evaluation for the registration of pest control products in Kenya

Mechteld ter Horst, June Akinyi Aluoch, Maurice Wanyonyi Barasa, Saskia Bosman-Hoefakker, Jessica Broeders, Jacobijn van Etten, Esther de Jong, Paul N. Ngaruiya, Anne Steenbergh, Harold van der Valk, Githaiga Wagate, Sarah Muthoni Wambugu, Maureen Nekoye Waswa, Louise Wipfler

Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional


This document describes guidance on dossier evaluation for the registration of pest control products in Kenya. The document provides guidance for the assessment of a limited number of aspects that are part of evaluation of a pest control product registration dossier. It should therefore not be considered as a complete pesticide evaluation manual, though it is intended to contribute to a future complete pest control product evaluation manual for Kenya. The guidance should be read together with an im plementation report which contains stepping stones for further development.The guidance was developed within the Pesticide management initiative East African Region: Kenya (PEAR -Kenya) project. The project ran in the period 2016 – 2019 and was sponsored and supported by the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality and the Embassy of the Netherlands in Nairobi.The guidance addresses various aspects of a pest control product evaluation covering low risk pest control products, microbial pest control product, chemical pest control products and equivalence determination. The evaluation procedures developed covers a fast-track pathway for low risk products. For microbial products the procedure focusses on identification, human pathology and infectiveness and hazard and risk assessments for metabolites of potential concern. For chemical products the procedure includes methods for human health and pollinator risk assessments. The evaluation process of new pest control products can be speeded up if the active ingredient or active agent of a new product proves to be equivalent to an already registered product.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationWageningen
PublisherWageningen Environmental Research
Number of pages93
ISBN (Electronic)9789463952606
Publication statusPublished - 2019

Publication series

NameWageningen Environmental Research report
ISSN (Print)1566-7197


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