title = "Growth of selectively logged tropical high forests : a global inventory of existing information, needed research and development and the implications for policy and management",
keywords = "bosbouw, selectiekap, selectiesysteem, houtaanwas, opstandsontwikkeling, opstandsstructuur, biomassa, bosbouwkundige handelingen, sociale economie, tropen, subtropen, natuurlijke opstanden, forestry, selective felling, selection system, increment, stand development, stand structure, biomass, forestry practices, socioeconomics, tropics, subtropics, natural stands",
author = "S. Andel",
year = "1981",
language = "Nederlands",
series = "Rapport / Rijksinstituut voor Onderzoek in de Bos- en Landschapsbouw {"}De Dorschkamp{"}",
publisher = "De Dorschkamp",
number = "no. 248",
address = "Netherlands",