Groen voor gezondheidspreventie: ervaringen in twee gemeenten: Een verkenning van sturingsmogelijkheden om het benutten van groen voor gezondheidspreventie te bevorderen

Dana Kamphorst, Josine Donders

Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional


Greenspace for ill-health prevention: Experiences in two cities. A study of governance options for promoting the use of greenspace for ill-health prevention. This study explores how two Dutch cities (Dordrecht and Nijmegen) are promoting the use of greenspace for illhealth prevention. Both cities are pioneers in connecting the ‘greenspace’ and ‘health’ domains, working with other organisations and influencing institutions such as values, ways of working and rules to scale up initiatives. Important developments are adopting and anchoring concepts, setting ambitions for creating greenspace for exercise, socialising and play, communicating the value of greenspace in networks such as local prevention agreements, promoting integrated working, carrying out pilot projects and facilitating social initiatives. The municipal authorities and their partners promote ill-health prevention before or in parallel with standard care pathways and recognised healthy lifestyle programmes. They primarily take a networking and facilitating approach, based on political decision-making and formal structures and mechanisms. Government authorities can further promote the use of greenspace for ill-health prevention, for example through uniform guidelines, agenda-setting and knowledge dissemination (national), facilitation (provincial); agenda-setting, concept and policy development, promoting cooperation, networking, tools and integrated working (municipal).
Original languageDutch
Place of PublicationWageningen
PublisherWOT Natuur & Milieu
Number of pages91
Publication statusPublished - 2023

Publication series

ISSN (Print)1871-028X

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