Groen & economie: kans voor een Limburgse relance: basisdocument ter ondersteuning van het ontwikkelen van het strategisch programma iGreen

Ariane de Blaeij, Ingrid Coninx, Carla Grashof-Bokdam, Maurice Paulissen, Nico Polman, Meike Post, Annemieke Smit, Martijn van de Heide, Bart Steenwegen, Stien van Rompuy

Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional


Limburg has been confronted with an economic decline, consequently to the closure of the car company Ford Genk. Given the large amount of nature, also named green infrastructure, it was aimed to develop a strategic regional programme to exploit the potential of nature in a sustainable way, to provide jobs and create prosperity. This study aimed to gather information in order to develop this strategic programme. First, the green infrastructure of Limburg has been described and studied. This green infrastructure is diverse and is characterised by a large regional variety. Next, the iGreen strategic programme is positioned related to international, European and Flemish developments in green economic growth. Then, the societal and economic value of the green infrastructure has been mapped and assessed. The study also identified to what extent the green infrastructure has contributed to job development. Based on all this information, the study concluded by the identification of 5 themes that could be developed within the iGreen strategic programme: watercircularity, biobased economy, relaxed breathing, leisure and care, resource secure economy. A few relevant pilotprojects have been described as well as potential financing mechanisms.
Original languageDutch
Place of PublicationWageningen
PublisherWageningen Environmental Research
Number of pages99
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2016

Publication series

NameWageningen Environmental Research report
ISSN (Print)1566-7197


  • green infrastructure
  • Limburg
  • greening
  • public green areas
  • management of urban green areas
  • economics
  • employment
  • circular economy
  • biobased economy
  • recreation
  • care

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