GpaXIltar originating from Solanum tarijense is a major resistance locus to Globodera pallida and is localised on chromosome 11 of potato

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

23 Citations (Scopus)


Resistance to Globodera pallida Rookmaker (Pa3), originating from wild species Solanum tarijense was identified by QTL analysis and can be largely ascribed to one major QTL. GpaXI tar l explained 81.3% of the phenotypic variance in the disease test. GpaXI tar l is mapped to the long arm of chromosome 11. Another minor QTL explained 5.3% of the phenotypic variance and mapped to the long arm of chromosome 9. Clones containing both QTL showed no lower cyst counts than clones with only GpaXI tar l . After Mendelising the phenotypic data, GpaXI tar l could be more precisely mapped near markers GP163 and FEN427, thus anchoring GpaXI tar l to a region with a known R-gene cluster containing virus and nematode resistance genes
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1477-1487
JournalTheoretical and Applied Genetics
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - 2009


  • broad-spectrum resistance
  • comigrating aflp markers
  • cyst-nematode
  • confers resistance
  • gene-cluster
  • tuberosum
  • linkage
  • tomato
  • virus
  • dna


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