title = "GONAT; geographical orientated national simulations with ANIMO 3.5 of nutrients",
keywords = "rivieren, waterlopen, kanalen, water, oppervlaktewater, waterverontreiniging, waterkwaliteit, nitraten, fosfaten, fosforpentoxide, derivaten, hydrologie, modellen, analogen, Nederland, rivers, streams, canals, water, surface water, water pollution, water quality, nitrates, phosphates, phosphorus pentoxide, derivatives, hydrology, models, analogues, Netherlands",
author = "H.L. Boogaard and J.G. Kroes",
year = "1997",
language = "English",
series = "Technical document / DLO-Staring Centrum",
publisher = "Staring Centrum",
number = "41",
address = "Netherlands",