Genetische monitoring van de Nederlandse otterpopulatie : ontwikkeling van populatieomvang en genetische status 2015/2016

A.T. Kuiters, G.A. de Groot, D.R. Lammertsma, H.A.H. Jansman, Jan Bovenschen. J.

Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional


The Ministry of Economic Affairs requires that the Dutch otter population is surveyed each year to monitorthe genetic status of the population using DNA isolated from spraints and tissue from dead individuals. Theresulting information is also used to detect changes in the spatial range and population size. The 2015/2016survey showed that the population size has further increased to about 185 individuals. The amount ofgenetic variation at the population level has further increased, mainly as the result of migration of otters ofGerman origin to the Dutch population. In contrast to previous years, genetic variation within individuals hasnot declined further. The survey includes autopsies of dead otters to assess body condition and the mostlikely cause of death. Traffic is by far the most important cause of mortality. The annual number of road killsis still increasing in proportion to the increase in population size. Locations where road kills occur areregistered and added to a database. This information is important to localise places where mitigatingmeasures have to be taken to improve the safety for otters
Original languageDutch
Place of PublicationWageningen
PublisherWOT Natuur & Milieu
Number of pages47
Publication statusPublished - 2016

Publication series

NameWOt-technical report
ISSN (Print)2352-2739


  • otters
  • lutra
  • population biology
  • monitoring
  • population growth
  • inbreeding
  • genetics
  • netherlands

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