Future land use maps for the Netherlands for the Dutch One Health SSPs

Martha Dellar, Gertjan W. Geerling, K. Kok, P.M. van Bodegom, Gerard van der Schrier, Maarten Schrama, Eline Boelee

Research output: Non-textual formSoftware


We have created future land use maps for the Netherlands for 2050, based on the Dutch One Health Shared Socio-economic Pathways (SSPs). This was done using the DynaCLUE modelling framework. Future land use is based on altitude, soil properties, groundwater, salinity, flood risk, agricultural land price, distance to transport hubs and climate. We also account for anticipated demand for different land use types, historic land use changes and potential spatial restrictions. These land maps will enable detailed modelling of a wide variety of future health challenges in the Netherlands, such as disease risk, water quality and pollution. In addition, the methodology and assumptions used can inform research in other urban deltas. Here we provide all model input and output files.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 9 Oct 2024


  • Land use
  • DynaCLUE
  • Netherlands
  • SSPs


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