From local to virtual water control: The globalization of water insecurity and water access conflicts

J.M.C. Vos, R.A. Boelens, P.A. Mena Vásconez

Research output: Non-textual formWeb publication/siteProfessional


Virtual water export is increasing worldwide. Scholars and policy-makers have promoted the import of virtual water – water used to produce crops and manufacture products – as a solution to increase food security in water-scarce countries. According to neoliberal reasoning, relatively water-rich countries have comparative advantages and supposedly export their virtual water to generate income. Free Trade Agreements, agricultural exportation incentives, and the increasing transnationalization of major food-chain companies and financing institutions have augmented the export of agricultural commodities and luxurious products, including high water consumptive flowers and fresh off-season vegetables.
Original languageEnglish
Media of outputOnline
Publication statusPublished - 2014


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