Food and/or feed compositions for preventing and treating inflammatory diseases

H.A. Schols (Inventor), Paulus de Vos (Inventor), Marco van den Berg (Inventor), Geert Bruggeman (Inventor), E.M.A.M. Bruininx (Inventor), Neha M. Sahasrabudhe (Inventor), Jan Scholte (Inventor), L. Tian (Inventor), Antonius J.W. Scheurink (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


This invention relates generally to compositions and methods for combating inflammatory disease and particularly to the use of food and/or feed compositions for preventing, reducing and/or treating inflammatory disorders, diseases, or discomforts, wherein the compositions comprising at least one specific pectin.
Original languageEnglish
Patent numberWO2017009202
Priority date10/07/15
Publication statusPublished - 9 Jan 2017


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