Fish Diversity and Limnological Parameters Influencing Fish Assemblage Pattern in Chambal River Basin of Madhya Pradesh, India

Ridhi Bose, Arun Kumar Bose*, Archan Kanti Das, Alka Parashar, Koushik Roy

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4 Citations (Scopus)


An attempt was made to systematically study the fish diversity and assemblage patterns in response to limnological dynamics of Chambal river basin in central India. A total of 56 fish species belonging to 09 orders, 18 families and 39 genera were recorded in the present study. Group-wise distribution of fishes showed that catfishes were the most dominant (23.21%). The most dominant species as per total relative abundance of the river was Glossogobius giuris (6.84%). The abundance of fishes was found to be highest in winter. Six fish diversity indices—Shannon-Wiener, Dominance, Simpson, Margalef, Evenness and Equitability indices were calculated and ranged 3.05–3.61, 0.03–0.08, 0.94–0.96, 5.21–6.35, 0.49–0.85 and 0.81–0.96, respectively. Threat status of fishes suggests that 3 species were near threatened and 01 species (Tor khudree) as endangered. Water temperature plays the key role in influencing fish assemblage pattern. A 1 °C rise in water temperature alone may result in an increase in Shannon (+ 0.1 units), Simpson (+ 0.02 units), Margalef (+ 0.16 units) biodiversity indices while 1 °C rise and 10 ppm increase of total dissolved solids may increase Evenness by + 0.05 units. There are two distinct fish assemblage events prevalent in the river basin viz. winter assemblage (near 20 °C) and non-winter assemblage (above 25 °C). The winter assemblage is most likely to be threatened under climate change. Ranching and creation of a winter-time freshwater protected area is recommended at Ghatbilod (Indore, Madhya Pradesh) dedicated for conservation of T. khudree.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)461-473
Number of pages13
JournalProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section B - Biological Sciences
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 5 Jun 2019
Externally publishedYes


  • Chambal river basin
  • Conservation needs
  • Fish assemblage
  • Limnological influence


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