title = "Field guide for the description of terrestrial landscape ecology sample units : first approximation with reference to the Italian Apennines",
keywords = "landschap, landschapsecologie, bodemkarteringen, landevaluatie, horizonten, bodemgeschiktheid, biocenose, ecosystemen, kringlopen, biogeochemie, itali{\"e}, landscape, landscape ecology, soil surveys, land evaluation, horizons, soil suitability, biocoenosis, ecosystems, cycling, biogeochemistry, italy",
author = "A.H.F. Stortelder and W. Vos",
year = "1983",
language = "English",
series = "Rapport / Rijksinstituut voor onderzoek in de Bos- en Landschapsbouw {"}De Dorschkamp{"}",
publisher = "De Dorschkamp",
number = "no. 327",
address = "Netherlands",