Factors influencing the role of Non-Wood Forest Products and Services

G. Janse, A. Ottitsch

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

52 Citations (Scopus)


In the light of social and economic developments, forest functions other than timber production have gained international importance and recognition. Resulting from this development, Non-Wood Forest Products and Services (NWFPS) are becoming more important, both for the general public as for forest owners trying to market them. In order to acquire a better understanding of NWFPS, their role in society and their marketing possibilities, this study aims at defining the factors influencing NWFPS. A comparative study between two countries with a different forest situation, the Netherlands and Norway, has been carried out. These factors are: institutional framework; economic characteristics (rivalry and excludability); demography and forest resources; and attitudes, values and customs. The outcome is that, because of differences on the mentioned factors, forest owners in the Netherlands better off focusing on offering small-scale, nature-based facilities for (short-stay) recreationists, whereas for Norwegian forest owners it is more promising to focus on offering wilderness-experience `all-in package-deals¿ to tourists
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)309-319
JournalForest Policy and Economics
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2005


  • Comparative study
  • Demography and social factors
  • Forest policy
  • Forest resources
  • Institutional framework
  • Non-Wood Forest Products and Services
  • Norway
  • Recreation
  • Rivalry and excludability
  • The Netherlands


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