Extensivering melkveehouderij en akkerbouw: Krimp in veestapel, groei in areaal of vermindering bouwplanintensiteit

Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional


This report describes two ways for extensification in the dairy and arable sectors. In the dairy sector, the options are to decrease the herd size while maintaining a stable farm area or to lease additional land while maintaining a stable herd size. In the arable sector, the ratios of non-break crops (mainly root crops such as potatoes, sugar beets, onions and carrots) in the cropping plan can be decreased while maintaining a stable farm area or additional land can be leased while maintaining stable areas for non-break crops. Extensification leads to loss of income, unless it is compensated through additional farm activities, a shift to organic production and sales, or compensation by the administration.
Original languageDutch
Place of PublicationWageningen
PublisherWageningen Economic Research
Number of pages76
Publication statusPublished - 2024

Publication series

NameRapport / Wageningen Economic Research

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