Exploring the role of received peer feedback for students’ learning outcomes in online higher education

Nafiseh Taghizadeh Kerman, S.K. Banihashem, O. Noroozi

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference paperAcademicpeer-review


In this article, we aim to explore the differences in the received peer feedback among successful, less successful, and unsuccessful students in higher education. This exploratory study was conducted in online settings and in the context of argumentative essay writing. In total, 135 undergraduate students participated in an online module and they completed three tasks in three consecutive weeks. In the first week, they wrote an argumentative essay. In the second week, students provided two sets of feedback on their peers' argumentative essays based on the given criteria. In the third week, students were requested to revise their argumentative essay based on the received feedback. Students’ success was defined based on their improvements from the original essay to the revised essay. The results showed that unsuccessful and less successful students received more affective and descriptive feedback from their peers compared to successful students. The findings of this study provide practical implications on how peer feedback approaches should be implemented to help students write better argumentative essays in online learning environments.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of International Conference on Studies in Education and Social Sciences 2022
EditorsAmal Ben Attou, M. Lutfi Ciddi, Mevlut Unal
PublisherISTES Organization
ISBN (Electronic)9781952092411
Publication statusPublished - 2022
EventInternational Conference on Studies in Education and Social Sciences (ICSES) - Anatalya, Turkey
Duration: 10 Nov 202213 Nov 2022


Conference/symposiumInternational Conference on Studies in Education and Social Sciences (ICSES)


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