Exploring the recurrent states of football teams’ tactical organization on the pitch during Brazilian official matches

Felipe Arruda Moura*, Murilo José de Oliveira Bueno, Fabio Giuliano Caetano, Maisa Silva, Sergio Augusto Cunha, Ricardo da Silva Torres*

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Football teams’ tactical organization on the pitch is usually represented by the surface area. Considering the different shapes adopted by the teams during the match, the role of the tactical variability for success is lacking. The aim of this study was to explore and to evaluate the association between recurrent states of tactical organization and technical performance during football matches. A total of 28 teams of Brazilian First Division Championships were analysed. Teams’ surface area shapes were represented by the maximum value of the Multiscale Fractal Dimension in each timestamp, producing a time series. Recurrences of states of tactical organization were determined via recurrence plots and recurrence quantitative analysis during attacking and defending phases, and considering the whole match. The outcomes were correlated with nine traditional technical performance indicators. The main results showed that structural recurrence or variability on tactical organization is associated with performance success during the defending and attacking actions. Recurrence plot and measures based on the recurrence density proved to be valuable tools to represent teams’ dynamics.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere0308320
JournalPLoS ONE
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2024


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