title = "Exploring agricultural taxation in Europe",
abstract = "This report describes the tax systems in ten European countries, focusing on agriculture. It not only deals with income tax, it also describes other taxes such as gift and inheritance tax and Value Added Tax. This information leads to an analysis of the impact of taxation on the competitive position of Dutch agriculture",
keywords = "agrarische economie, belastingen, inkomstenbelasting, eigendomsbelastingen, successierecht, landbouwsituatie, internationale vergelijkingen, nederland, belgi{\"e}, tsjechi{\"e}, denemarken, frankrijk, agricultural economics, taxes, income tax, property taxes, inheritance tax, agricultural situation, international comparisons, netherlands, belgium, czech republic, denmark, france",
author = "{van der Veen}, H.B. and {van der Meulen}, H.A.B. and {van Bommel}, K.H.M. and R.B. Doorneweert",
year = "2007",
language = "English",
isbn = "9789086151455",
series = "Report / LEI : Domain 2, Business development and competitive position",
publisher = "LEI",
address = "Netherlands",