title = "Experimental ditches for ecotoxicological experiments and eutrophication research under natural conditions : a technical survey",
keywords = "kanalen, proefvelden, experimenteel veldonderzoek, nederland, persistentie, pesticidenresiduen, pesticiden, gewasbescherming, onderzoek, rivieren, waterlopen, oppervlaktewater, proeven, water, waterverontreiniging, waterkwaliteit, bioaccumulatie, ecotoxicologie, canals, experimental plots, field experimentation, netherlands, persistence, pesticide residues, pesticides, plant protection, research, rivers, streams, surface water, trials, water, water pollution, water quality, bioaccumulation, ecotoxicology",
author = "J. Drent and K. Kersting",
year = "1992",
language = "English",
series = "Report / The DLO Winand Staring Centre",
publisher = "Winand Staring Centre",
number = "65",
address = "Netherlands",