Everything you Always wanted to know about Campylobacter

W.F. Jacobs-Reitsma, W.C. Hazeleger

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstract


Did you know that...
... growth of campylobacters in liquid medium like Heart Infusion Broth is hardly visible, and if nice and thick growth does show this most likely means a contamination in your broth. ... vented Petri-dishes should be used to facilitate the growth in micro-aerobic atmosphere, but also help to be able to re-open the dishes after incubation. ... a Campylobacter-selective agar plate like CCDA may look like showing no growth, but in practice may contain a thin layer of growth all over the plate and only just giving the impression to be negative for growth. Check with loop on presence of colony mass! We would like to share our over 25 years of working-with-Campylobacter-experience with the audience. Preferably in an interactive way by asking the audience for their own experience and starting-up questions, but at least by presenting a practical “picture” of this ever surprising micro-organism.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 2015
EventCHRO 2015, 18th International Workshop, Rotorua (New Zealand) - Rotorua, United Kingdom
Duration: 1 Nov 20155 Nov 2015


Conference/symposiumCHRO 2015, 18th International Workshop, Rotorua (New Zealand)
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


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