Evaluation of Yucca schidigera plant products for mitigation of gaseous emissions from livestock

Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional


Within the 'Regiodeal Foodvalley' project (2020-2024), a literature study was carried out with the aim of giving the project a solid basis for deciding whether or not to investigate additives based on the Yucca schidigera (YS) plant in the ' pilot project' of the project. The literature review shows that YS supplementation is unlikely to substantially reduce ammonia and methane emissions from livestock environments (i.e. more than 20%), although the results of some studies taken together may be indicative of a limited reduction in ammonia emissions. Two broiler studies report no effect of YS supplementation on odor emission in that animal category. Firmer conclusions cannot be drawn from the studies due to their low number, moderate quality and heterogeneity. In the Recommendations chapter, it is recommended to go through a step-by-step R&D process, starting at a relatively simple and relatively cheap laboratory scale in well-defined and controlled conditions, eventually ending in real-life studies. Based on this report, the project decided to continue testing the YS additive on a laboratory scale. Results of these tests will be published in the future.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationWageningen
PublisherWageningen Livestock Research
Number of pages33
Publication statusPublished - 2022

Publication series

NameRapport / Wageningen Livestock Research


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