title = "Evaluation of rural reconstruction projects with the aid of a model regional economic growth",
keywords = "landbouw, plattelandsplanning, plattelandsontwikkeling, sociale economie, ruimtelijke ordening, planning, beleid, ontwikkeling, landgebruik, ruilverkaveling, kosten-batenanalyse, nederland, economische planning, agriculture, rural planning, rural development, socioeconomics, physical planning, planning, policy, development, land use, land consolidation, cost benefit analysis, netherlands, economic planning",
author = "L.J. Locht",
note = "Cost-Benefit analysis, section 4, blz. 217-236",
year = "1971",
language = "English",
series = "Technical bulletin / Institute for land and water management research",
publisher = "I.C.W.",
number = "no. 74",