Evaluation of control strategies using an oxidation ditch benchmark

A.A.A. Abusam, K.J. Keesman, H. Spanjers, G. van Straten, K. Meinema

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference paperAcademic


This paper presents validation and implementation results of a benchmark developed for a specific full-scale oxidation ditch wastewater treatment plant. A benchmark is a standard simulation procedure that can be used as a tool in evaluating various control strategies proposed for wastewater treatment plants. It is based on model and performance criteria development. Testing of this benchmark, by comparing benchmark predictions to real measurements of the electrical energy consumption and amounts of disposed sludge for a specific oxidation ditch WWTP, has shown that it can (reasonably) be used for evaluating the performance of this WWTP. Subsequently, the validated benchmark was then used in evaluating some basic and advanced control strategies. Some of the interesting results obtained are the following: (i) influent flow splitting ratio, between the first and the fourth aerated compartments of the ditch , has no significant effect on the TN concentrations in the effluent , and (ii) for evaluation of long-term control strategies, future benchmarks need to be able to assess settlers' performance.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationPreprints of the 1st IWA Conf. on Instrumentation, Control and Automation
Publication statusPublished - 2001
Event1st IWA Conf. on Instrumentation, Control and Automation - Sweden, Malmö
Duration: 3 Jun 20017 Jun 2001


Conference/symposium1st IWA Conf. on Instrumentation, Control and Automation
CitySweden, Malmö


  • waste water treatment
  • oxidation ditches
  • simulation models
  • performance
  • assessment


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