EU Clustering Activities 2: Deliverable D7.13: TC for BE: Transformative Change for Biodiversity & Equity project

Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional


This second report on Clustering Activities is the result of a collaborative effort among they 11 projects in the cluster (see Appendix 1) funded under the EU Horizon Europe Transformative Change for Biodiversity call (HORIZON-CL6-2022-BIODIV-01) and other EU Horizon 2020 projects (see Appendix 2). The projects in this cluster all aim at fostering cooperation, knowledge sharing, and effective communication between the participating projects to achieve better results collectively.

Within the Cluster the following projects have synergies and complementarities: TC4BE, CLEVER, BIOTRAILS, BAMBOO, BIOTRAILS, BioValue and RAINFOREST (see Appendix 1) and other Horizon 2020 projects such as FOSTA Health (see Appendix 2). Through similar aims, methods, themes, cases research methods, focus countries and advisory boards, TCforBE is more closely associated with these projects. BAMBOO is also initiator of a Horizon Results Booster project group which includes RAINFOREST, CLEVER and BIOTRAILS. TRANSPATH has a budget of 45k for workshops/dialogues and communications as a Cluster of EU Horizon projects.

The specific objective of Clustering activities is to identify common arenas for the projects, identify potential synergies that can be achieved by working together, and boost results through joint efforts.

The first Cluster plan (Deliverable D7.12 D35 from December 2022 to May 2023) and subsequent activities were developed following on meetings with other EU project representatives online and one on one project meetings. Our clustering activities have been shared and documents uploaded to a Clustering Action Plan - Dropbox.

The outcomes are activities are taken jointly, in smaller groups and bilaterally. While not all of the measures outlined in the Clustering Activities Plan will be taken by all projects, each project has agreed to collaborate on one or more measures. The measures which TC4BE proposes are shown below.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationWageningen
PublisherWageningen University & Research
Number of pages24
Publication statusPublished - 5 Aug 2024

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