Estimation of the duodenal flow of microbial nitrogen in ruminants based on the chemical composition of forages: a literature review

J.M.J. Gosselink, C. Poncet, J.P. Dulphy, J.W. Cone

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

    13 Citations (Scopus)


    The objective of this study was to evaluate the estimation of the duodenal flow of microbial nitrogen (N) in ruminants fed forage only, per kilogram of dry matter (DM) intake, which is the yield of microbial protein (YMP). The estimation was based on the chemical composition of forages. A data file of 62 observations was collected from in vivo studies on cattle and sheep fed diets with forage only. A statistical analysis of YMP was conducted with neutral detergent fibre (NDF), crude protein (CP), non structural carbohydrates (NSC), group of forage species (legumes or grasses), method of conservation, physical form of presentation, level of DM intake, animal species, methodology and references as parameters. After a stepwise regression, CP was significant and the most important predictor. NSC or the method of conservation had an extra effect on YMP. On the basis of these three parameters the best fit equations were found and the influence of all parameters on YMP were discussed. Using the data file of this study, the prediction of YMP from the PDI-system was also validated. The statistics of the validation of the PDI prediction were similar to the statistics of the equations from this study. In conclusion, the chemical composition of forages, with or without the method of conservation, is a poor indication for the duodenal flow of microbial N (g $\cdot$kg -1 DM intake) in ruminants fed diets with forages only.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)229-243
    JournalAnimal Research
    Issue number3
    Publication statusPublished - 2003


    • cattle consuming bermudagrass
    • live-weight-gain
    • fed beef-cows
    • oryzae fermentation extract
    • supplemental cracked corn
    • dry-matter intake
    • fed fresh alfalfa
    • feed-intake
    • protein-synthesis
    • dairy-cows


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