title = "Environmental and economic profile of present greenhouse production systems in Europe. Annex",
abstract = "The EUPHOROS project is co-funded by the European Commission, Directorate General for Research, within the 7th Framework Programme of RTD, Theme 2 – Biotechnology, Agriculture & Food, contract 211457. The views and opinions expressed in this Deliverable are purely those of the writers and may not in any circumstances be regarded as stating an official position of the European Commission. This Deliverable 5 Annex is the latest updated version in September 2011.",
keywords = "glastuinbouw, teelt onder bescherming, agrarische productiesystemen, landbouw en milieu, agrarische economie, vergelijkend onderzoek, tomaten, solanum lycopersicum, rozen, nederland, hongarije, spanje, europa, greenhouse horticulture, protected cultivation, agricultural production systems, agriculture and environment, agricultural economics, comparative research, tomatoes, solanum lycopersicum, roses, netherlands, hungary, spain, europe",
author = "J.I. Montero and A. Ant{\'o}n and M. Torrellas and M.N.A. Ruijs and P.C.M. Vermeulen",
note = "Project: KBBE- 2007-1-2-04, Grant Agreement number. 211457 Project acronym: EUPHOROS Project title: Efficient Use of inputs in Protected HORticulture Deliverable no.: 5 Annex Public",
year = "2011",
language = "English",
series = "Euphoros reports",
publisher = "European Commission",
number = "Deliverable 5 Annex",