title = "Enkele chemische eigenschappen van met struikheide begroeide zandgronden in Nederland in de twintigste eeuw = Some chemical properties of calluna-dominated heathlands on sandy soils in The Netherlands, in the twentieth century",
keywords = "heidegronden, bosbouw, verzuring, bodem ph, bodemaciditeit, bodemvruchtbaarheid, grondanalyse, bodemchemie, beluchting, voedingsstoffenopname (planten), nederland, heathland soils, forestry, acidification, soil ph, soil acidity, soil fertility, soil analysis, soil chemistry, aeration, nutrient uptake, netherlands",
author = "{van den Burg}, J.",
year = "1986",
language = "Nederlands",
series = "Rapport / Rijksinstituut voor Onderzoek in de Bos- en Landschapsbouw {"}De Dorschkamp{"}",
publisher = "De Dorschkamp",
number = "nr. 411",
address = "Netherlands",