Enige aspecten van de hedendaagse migratie van Nederlanders naar Canada

A.S. Tuinman

Research output: Thesisinternal PhD, WU


After the Second World War most of the restrictions against entry to Canada as an immigrant were abolished, although the admission of farmers and farm workers has never been restricted. The ideas about Canada's immigrational capacity fluctuated with the economic situation; after 1950 the doors were opened to others than farmers and farm workers.

The Dutch immigrants in Canada were distinguished by high ambitions in their career. Almost all arrived with their relatives, only seldom in larger groups, although the religious affiliation was rather high among them. New Canadians were not expected to lose their cultural identity; they had to integrate, not assimilate.

Availability of land, level of production and consumption, land-ownership and credit facilities were all favourable. By interviewing some Dutch settlers the financial results of the first years of residence in Canada could be studied. Also the Settlement Service (a governmental institute) could supply information on the success of the Dutch immigrants. After four years about half of them were already independent farmers. Integration in Canadian society was successful; hardly anyone wished to be repatriated.

Original languageDutch
QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
Awarding Institution
  • Hofstee, E.W., Promotor
Award date22 Jul 1952
Place of PublicationWageningen
Publication statusPublished - 22 Jul 1952


  • immigration
  • emigration
  • agriculture
  • canada
  • netherlands
  • social sciences

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