Engineering metabolic highways in Lactococci and other lactic acid bacteria

W.M. de Vos, J. Hugenholtz

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

124 Citations (Scopus)


Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are widely used in industrial food fermentations and are receiving increased attention for use as cell factories for the production of food and pharmaceutical products. Glycolytic conversion of sugars into lactic acid is the main metabolic highway in these Gram-positive bacteria and Lactococcus lactis has become the model organism because of its small genome, genetic accessibility and simple metabolism. Here we discuss the metabolic engineering of L. lactis and the value of metabolic models compared with other LAB, with a particular focus on the food-grade production of metabolites involved in flavour, texture and health.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)72-79
JournalTrends in Biotechnology
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2004


  • controlled gene-expression
  • complete genome sequence
  • exopolysaccharide production
  • lactate-dehydrogenase
  • sugar catabolism
  • streptococcus-thermophilus
  • molecular characterization
  • functional-analysis
  • diacetyl production
  • zymomonas-mobilis


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