Energiezuinig kasklimaat in relatie tot bladstreepjes in Alstroemeria: Onderdeel van monitoringsproject

Nieves García Victoria, Arie de Gelder, Marco de Groot

Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional


Within the Monitoring project of the program “Greenhouse as Source of Energy”, a climate data exchange project was initiated between four Alstroemeria growers (five greenhouses), to focus on the effects of an energy-efficient greenhouse climate on the occurrence or avoidance of leaf dashes. The hypothesis was that radiation losses on cold nights was a major cause of dashed leaves. Dashes appeared throughout the year; there was no seasonal effect. Greenhouse temperatures as low as 10°C and crop temperature of 2°C below the greenhouse temperature did not always result in dashed leaves. Not enough evidence has been found in low leaf temperature events to support the hypothesis that a double screen prevents dashes. The relation between RH, the VPD, accumulated CO2 and dashes could not be clearly proven, but were found “suspicious”. A day length of 16-17 hours in combination with high lighting intensities is considered suspicious, but the relation with dashes could not be studied. In a small trial conducted in the summer of 2020 at Wageningen UR Greenhouse Horticulture in Bleiswijk in an air-conditioning greenhouse, dashes were generated in two varieties by exposing the plants to a concentration of 1800 ppm CO2 during 2 nights at high intensity LED lighting and at night temperature of 18°C. If the plants were under a foil cage at 95-100% RH, they did not develop dashes. By discussing climate data, growers learn further. They will continue the process of data sharing beyond this project.
Original languageDutch
Place of PublicationBleiswijk
PublisherWageningen Plant Research
Number of pages66
Publication statusPublished - 2021

Publication series

NameRapport Wageningen Plant Research

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