title = "Emerging Risks in the Dutch Food Chain report on project 2: Application of indicator analyses on several critical points in the salmon production chain and identification of related data sources",
abstract = "An indicator analysis was performed on the fish production chain by assessing the indicators which may be of importance for the detection of emerging risks. The indicators were embedded in a “risk pathway”, in which the relations between different indicators could be illustrated. The risk pathways illustrate the main characteristics of the salmon production chain. However further research is required in order to develop further interaction with other sectors, and production chains to bring emerging risk detection to the next level. In relation to the assigned indicators, a selection of (electronic) data sources were identified in order to be able to combine data flows with indicators and risk pathways. The indicators were analyzed for availability, sources of data entry, validation of data sources, update frequency and delay in input. The combination of risk pathways, indicators and data sources, will be one of the key information sources for the further development of an Emerging Risk Detection Support System (ERDSS).",
keywords = "voedselveiligheid, zalm, risicoschatting, risicovermindering, risicofactoren, indicatoren, food safety, salmon, risk assessment, risk reduction, risk factors, indicators",
author = "A.A.M. Schelvis-Smit and M. Poelman and O. Schneider",
year = "2008",
language = "English",
series = "Report / Wageningen IMARES",
publisher = "IMARES",
number = "C071/08",
address = "Netherlands",