Elektronische oormerken voor I&R bij schapen en geiten

H.J. Schuiling, J.C. Verkaik, G.P. Binnendijk, P.H. Hogewerf, A.C. Smits, J.B. van der Fels

    Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional


    Electronic identification of goat and sheep by eartags can largely improve Identification and Registration and allows tracking and tracing in case of contagious diseases. These possibilities are shown in this project. However a further development of ear tags to reduce loss and to reduce irritations of the ear is necessary. Also the performance of electronic ear tags in combination with static readers must be improved.
    Original languageDutch
    Place of Publicationonbekend
    PublisherPraktijkonderzoek Veehouderij
    Number of pages51
    Publication statusPublished - 2004

    Publication series

    NamePraktijkRapport / Animal Sciences Group, Praktijkonderzoek : Schapen
    PublisherPraktijkonderzoek Veehouderij (PV)


    • sheep
    • goats
    • ear tags
    • electronics
    • identification
    • registration
    • transponders
    • efficiency
    • animal welfare
    • testing

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