Electrical double layer on silver iodide and overcharging in the presence of hydrolyzable cations

J. Lyklema, T.P. Golub

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

24 Citations (Scopus)


Previous studies on the surface charge and electrokinetic charge on silver iodide as a function of the pAg in the presence of some monovalent and trivalent cations as the counterions were extended to include the influence of pH. The main reason for this study was to investigate the possible propensity of overcharging by adsorption of hydrolyzed counterions. It was found that for K+ as the counterion the double layer properties could be well represented in terms of a simple Gouy-Stern model, without accounting for hydrolysis. However, with Al3+ or La3+ as the counterions, adsorption of hydrolyzed species takes place when the pH is high enough, leading to electrokinetic charge reversal.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)303-311
JournalCroatica Chemica Acta
Issue number3-4
Publication statusPublished - 2007


  • water interface
  • metal-ions
  • adsorption
  • iron
  • oxides
  • electrochemistry
  • coprecipitation
  • hydrolysis
  • chromium


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