Efficiënt omgaan met elektriciteit bij chrysant : opties voor besparing

M.G.M. Raaphorst, T.A. Dueck, F.L.K. Kempkes, P. de Veld, R. Corsten

Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional


Trials have demonstrated that that the heat use for Chrysanthemum can be considerably reduced if the right measures are taken. If these reduction can also be realised with lighting, then we are well on the way to climateneutral Chrysanthemum cultivation. In order to identify energy saving measures with lighting, Wageningen UR Greenhouse Horticulture along with growers and DLV-Plant have calculated energy savings for the most promising measures. The most important measures also appear to entail a large investment, such as ARcoatings, diffused glass, LED lighting or a super-reflecting greenhouse structure. More accessible measures, such as soil reflection (for example, styromull), can also lead to a 5% lower electricity costs. In addition, there are many small measures that are expected to increase the energy efficiency. Examples are the stage-dependent lighting regime or an extended propagation. However, it is not yet known how large the effects of these measures are and if they are also economically viable
Original languageDutch
Place of PublicationBleiswijk
PublisherWageningen UR Glastuinbouw
Number of pages32
Publication statusPublished - 2015

Publication series

NameRapport GTB
PublisherWageningen UR Glastuinbouw


  • chrysanthemum
  • protected cultivation
  • greenhouse crops
  • ornamental horticulture
  • electricity
  • artificial light
  • artificial lighting
  • energy saving
  • led lamps
  • coatings
  • reflection
  • diffused glass
  • cut flowers
  • greenhouse horticulture

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